Welcome to The Cigar Box, a premier destination for cigar aficionados in Scotland and a hidden gem within the UK cigar scene. Established in 1999 close to our renowned Royal Mile Whiskies store on Edinburgh's historic Royal Mile, we have become synonymous with exceptional quality and expertise in the world of cigars.
Inspired by our staff's passion for cigars and the increasing demand from our loyal customers, we embarked on a journey to create a specialist tobacconist that would cater to discerning enthusiasts. Building upon the success of our flagship Royal Mile Whiskies store, which opened its doors in 1991, we recognised the natural synergy between fine spirits and premium cigars. What began as a modest humidor within our whisky shop quickly evolved into The Cigar Box, a haven for cigar connoisseurs where demand far overwhelmed that little humidor!
Today, The Cigar Box showcases a curated range of excellent cigars, pipes and tobacco chosen by our dedicated and passionate team. Under the expert guidance of our highly knowledgeable shop manager, Gregor Black, our staff are always happy to offer their specialised expertise in cigars, providing tailored recommendations to enhance your experience, whether you join us in-store or browse our offerings online.